Sunday, May 2, 2010


This is to share my bewilderment in understanding human behavior with special reference to the question of peoples’ praise and criticism for others. In other words, here aim is to express my ways of understanding the grammar of above mentioned behavior, what actually one does when he/she praises or criticizes someone. It seems that this very act of praise or criticism is preceded by the following acts/processes.



It has often been reported that same act may cause two distinct responses (in this case praise or criticism) from the same person depending on whether someone likes or dislikes the person concerned. In turn, what makes someone like/dislike the other can best be viewed in terms of conformity/nonconformity. It appears to be a general tendency that we like similar persona that is to say that conform to us in their behavioral pattern and dislike others who behave differently. This can be shown graphically in the following linear order one followed by another.


1 comment:

  1. here i agree to disagree because i see criticism as dual in nature itself so no need to compare it with praise...
