Monday, May 24, 2010


I often find it hard to understand, why is it that for most of the times we ought to conceptualize things in terms of polar opposite notions, so much so that the adherence to one requires the complete denial of other. It’s not the case that I am unaware of the fact that maintenance of these so called opposite categories provides us with necessary tools for the theoretical understanding of these categories; however, we need to proceed with this unavoidable caution that with such a tool we will only have partial understanding of these concepts in terms of their intricate interrelationships. Here, for instance, let’s consider what makes people think that spirituality necessarily involves negation to sexism. As a matter of fact, most of our Rishis (sages), following Varnashrama, didn’t hesitate in cherishing desire for beautiful ladies while pursuing spiritualism. As for as, my own take on this (and other similar issues) is concerned, undoubtedly,I find this to be a healthy practice (in terms of amalgamation of right proportion of subjective and objective necessities), so that both soul and body could attain required nourishment. Here, it is important to emphasize the fact that this idea is only intended to support the view that there is nothing called pure negative, and we need to allow a synthetic approach in order to have a sort of practical understanding of these concepts rather than treating them to be irreconcilably wide apart like never meeting banks of a river.

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