Saturday, May 15, 2010


There is a huge body of literature especially in spiritual-philosophical literature on these polar opposite concepts, but here I shall confine myself in the realm of Indian philosophical traditions only. As soon as the idea of salvation is defined in terms of non-attachment and their by ultimately reaching to a level from where there is no returning back, the very concept of bondage being polar opposite to salvation naturally got related to the notion of attachment resulting in the constant involvement in the process of coming and going, i.e. in the so called notorious concept of cycle of rebirth, without giving a second thought to the concept of salvation itself in terms of its exact nature.

Here it is interesting to note that it’s often not clear what it is exactly people crave for salvation or bondage. To my mind, this is one of the most difficult issues which could not be resolved easily, as a matter of fact; it appears that beyond a certain level either of these concepts will be intolerable. Then the question is what we desire for??????

As a kind of solution it seems to be a fairly logical contention to hold that we seek a kind of equilibrium i.e. to say equal proportion of detachment and attachment both.

The kind of concepts suggested in some schools of Indian philosophy, as salvations in terms of Moksha or Nirvana do not, in my opinion, appear to be as dynamic a process which could have suited highly dynamic human life.

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